July 2022
Cathy Cigana

1. What made you decide to have Weight Loss Surgery?
My Renal specialist referred me to the Bariatric Surgeons.
2. What was your weight prior to your WLS? And what’s the goal?
HW 115kgs Op W 105kgs CW 77 kgs Height 159cms
3. Did you get to the weight you wanted?
I’m VERRRY happy with the weight I am now 77kgs
4. How do you feel now that you have had the surgery?
Amaaazing!! I had a hip replacement 6mths before sleeve surgery soo now I feel like a new person 🥰
5. Were there any problems along the way?
I learnt that drinking & eating at the same time is DEFINITELY a no go.
6. Would you do it again now that you know what you know?
YESYESYES but I wish I’d done it 20yrs ago
7. What are the inspiring things you can think of that you have noticed along the way?
Don’t take your life for granted. I used to think having surgery for weight was the cop out but I’ve realised it isn’t easy & it’s for life.
8. Did you have some happy unexpected surprises?
VERRRY happy with how the lost weight has come off fairly even not leaving me with too much excess skin
9. What advice do you have for anyone preparing for WLS?
“JUST DO IT” as long as your prepared it’s for life. Be kind to yourself & proud of your achievements no matter how much weight u you lose. You are worth it
10. What is the one very best thing that has resulted from your surgery? What has been the hardest part of your journey?
My health!!!! Kidney function improving, dropping 1 of my blood pressure tablets & I’m nearly at the point of being able to say I’m not diabetic 👍👍 The hardest part is making sure I have enough protein & water.