
Bars & Snacks

Protein bars and snacks from BN Healthy
Skinni bik lupin biscuits
Happy women with children, BN Customers

Protein bars for Weight Loss Surgery are a perfect solution for

  • Curbs hunger and cravings
  • Frequently on the go
  • Need a quick pick me up

They are sure to satisfy your taste buds and your diet plan! It's an excellent option for your busy lifestyle - and here's why.

Why are Australian bariatric patients, like you, buying our protein bars?
They are an excellent option for you to eat as a snack in between your meals, with deliciously packed with natural-based ingredients. It can be consumed as a healthy addition to your existing bariatric diet.

Protein will always be a principal focus to

  • Support your healing
  • Maintain and build lean muscle mass
  • Reduce hunger
  • Increase proper nutrition

You are recommended to include protein supplements in your diet if you cannot sufficiently meet your daily protein goals solely through food sources.

Protein bars and snacks from BN Healthy
Skinni bik lupin biscuits
Happy women with children, BN Customers


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Rated 4.1 out of 5
Based on 7 reviews

BN Slim - Meal Replacement Bars

7 x 65g Meal Replacement Bars

Formulated Meal Replacement

Weight Loss Support

20g of Protein Per Serve!

Chocolate Peanut - $24.43
Chocolate Coconut - $24.43
Rated 5.0 out of 5
Based on 6 reviews

BN Crackers - Cheddar & Onion Almond Flour Crackers (6 Pack)

6 x 28g Packets

Pack - $19.80 $0.00
Rated 4.7 out of 5
Based on 7 reviews

BN Cookies - Buttery Coconut Cookies (6 Pack)

6 x 28g Sachets

Pack - $19.80 $0.00
Rated 5.0 out of 5
Based on 1 review

BN Bites - Sea Salt Cauliflower Bites (6 Pack)

6 x 27g Packets

Rated 3.8 out of 5
Based on 12 reviews

Skinnybik Lupin Biscuits

3 mix packs (2 biscuits per pack) Lupin Biscuits - $10.50
6 mix packs (2 biscuits per pack) Lupin Biscuits - $21.00