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Our Qualified Nutritionists are here to help you make the best choice when it comes to you and your health.
Iron requirements vary throughout the lifespan. Regular blood screening will ensure your iron and iron stores (ferritin) are well within the healthy range.
Iron Bisglycinate has been used in BN Iron to make it easy to take regularly without all the discomfort of other forms of iron. Extra supplemental iron is needed for at least 3-6 months if iron deficiency arises.
Iron Bisglycinate has shown better storage when compared to other forms and better compliance, causing fewer side effects such as nausea and constipation.
Fatigue, forgetfulness, confusion, poor quality sleep, lack of interest in physical activity, poor hair quality, shortness of breath, and dizziness.
Calcium and iron do "compete" at specific doses, which can impact absorption. Evidence indicates that a calcium dose over 400mg should be separated from your iron supplements. BN Healthy combines iron and calcium at a "non-competitive" rate.